mardi 13 août 2013

One way ticket !

Big step in my life, I left paris, my job, my apartment, my family, my beloved friends... I am starting a new chapter of my life in India !

Everybody asked me 2 days before leaving "this not to difficult ?" The answer, is no leaving is not difficult, taking the decision few months back, yes that took some gut, some sleepless nights...

But now I am there !!!!

I actually been here for what ? 2 weeks now ? I still feel jet-lagged and somewhere lost in translation....
I do realize, but not so much... Even if I am super exited and super happy, it is a interesting time of my life, some new feelings....

For some time, we are going to stay at my husbands' parents, not too long I hope, I already want my independence and my freedom back... I have left my parents house 18 years ago now, so it is uncomfortable to experience that again, not being the master of the place you live in.... pfffff

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