jeudi 22 août 2013

Pilates for dummies

This spring, I realized that I was turning into a giant Turkish delight ... Since we moved within Paris I was not doing my daily hour walk to get to work (that life was tough in that time ....) So the demons of cellulitis began to really squat. And winter dragging on didn't really help realzing the extense of damages ...

Unfortunately, I hate the gym, it's noisy, everyone is staring at each other and the scent of perspiration emanating from it is a violent assault to my sense of smell ... For me, the exercise should not be painful, but a moment of pleasure otherwise I cannot keep going ... You'll tell me, and  the swimming pool, plus I love swimming but not "zigzaging" I'm quite intolerant there and as I'm a bit lazy, I don't get up at 7.30 in order togo at 8 am ...

So I bought new sneakers and I started to jogtrot (yes jogtrot, I can not say jog, it would really be a lie) on the waterfront between home and "grande bibliothèque", and it is great ...

And instead of buying cassette Cindy Crawford (only those over 30 will see what I'am talking about), I found something good to my level: Pilates for Dummies, it is capital to start easy otherwise it is easy to be discouraged.

Plus: you don't need much, a yoga mat, a bra bra without clasp in the back (yeah, yeah, this is better), you can also find the videos on you tube (very very average quality)
Least ahhh you must find the motivatio ... oh yeah if the smile of the girl, very annoying!

And after 1 or 2 weeks, I improved and Pilates for dummies (yes I bought it in English, 1st because it rhymes and 2nd to improve my English at the same time), started being a little slow ...

So I tried to find another video, one constant between all those, is that frozen smile all the girls have, that gives a sort of of urge for murder, I don't know, but me but when I fight for my abs, I don't really smile...

So my new discovery is a set of three DVDs, Winsor Pilates, basic step, 20min and 45min here
The DVD is not new but it is one of the most noted and then there are a lot of languages ​​...

Ok the teacher has playmobil haircut and is a "bit" over enthusiastic, but I think the basic video is nicely made and it's cool to have 2 routines according to the time you can spare...
Anayway, I started seeing the results pretty quickly, for an average of 3/4 sessions per week ( the 20 min one is really easy to squeeze in).

I manage keep up with the routine ( I am quite proud of myself), even if there are still exercises that are close psychological suffering, yes, some are simply not feasible, the neck pull for example.

Trying to come up with open arms, shoulders relaxed (yeah, yeah relaxed) and flexed feet .... It is a mental torture for me to see the girl doing it so easily with his goofy smile ....

But one day, perhaps, after 10 years of practice I would post here a video of me succeeding ! .... it is said that hope springs eternal!

Post en français ici

mardi 13 août 2013

One way ticket !

Big step in my life, I left paris, my job, my apartment, my family, my beloved friends... I am starting a new chapter of my life in India !

Everybody asked me 2 days before leaving "this not to difficult ?" The answer, is no leaving is not difficult, taking the decision few months back, yes that took some gut, some sleepless nights...

But now I am there !!!!

I actually been here for what ? 2 weeks now ? I still feel jet-lagged and somewhere lost in translation....
I do realize, but not so much... Even if I am super exited and super happy, it is a interesting time of my life, some new feelings....

For some time, we are going to stay at my husbands' parents, not too long I hope, I already want my independence and my freedom back... I have left my parents house 18 years ago now, so it is uncomfortable to experience that again, not being the master of the place you live in.... pfffff